This is my story as I stumble my way through family life

With one toddler and another new arrival on the way, this blog shares with you some of the things I see and think and also hopefully gives newer dads and dads to be some ideas based on what I did (or often, did not...) learn

Wednesday 22 September 2010

So here is what I learnt about buying a pushchair

When we were expecting Ollie a couple of years ago, we looked into every possible pushchair on the market. there are loads of options and plusses and minusses for all of them. You could one from any of the brands below (and more I have missed):

Everyone looks at a travel system so that the car seat and pram all work together and hopefully saves a bit of money by buying it altogether.

If you are planning to have two kids though, this plan quickly falls apart as if the first is still young and still using a pram, you need something to carry both kids.

We have just had to sell our lovely first pram as this is our very situation and had to buy a Phil & Teds- if only we had thought, I would have done this first time around!

The moral is think ahead- it may save you money in the long run plus you will still end up with a great pram!

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