This is my story as I stumble my way through family life

With one toddler and another new arrival on the way, this blog shares with you some of the things I see and think and also hopefully gives newer dads and dads to be some ideas based on what I did (or often, did not...) learn

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Toddler not sleeping? This trick worked!

Ollie has been a pain over the last few weeks with waking up in the middle of the night and being difficult about going back to sleep.

This is probably something to do with the arrival of Josh and the fact that he is sleeping in his Moses basket in our room.... Whatever the reason, it had to be nipped in the bud as it was no good for him and us!

Victoria decided to try the carrot and stick approach- if he woke during the night, the next morning he had one of his fav toys put in the "naughty bag" for the day (stick). What she has been really good at is ensuring he understood why and when asked, he now is always able to tell you what is in there and why.

The carrot is that if he sleeps through, he gets a sticker on a home made Bob the Builder themed Reward Chart and, as Brucie would say, "what do points make? Prizes!". When he has enough stickers he gets to choose a new toy at the shops.

This technique has really worked as he understands when he has been naughty and what he needs to do to be rewarded.

Give it a go- the cost of a new toy is cheap compared to lost sleep, trust me!

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