This is my story as I stumble my way through family life

With one toddler and another new arrival on the way, this blog shares with you some of the things I see and think and also hopefully gives newer dads and dads to be some ideas based on what I did (or often, did not...) learn

Thursday, 18 August 2011



Potty training with Ol is going really well on the whole. Number ones are nailed and we just don't get accidents during the day. He even gets up at night to go on the potty despite still having a night time nappy.
There are still a few boundary issues to be sorted as he is a little too keen to show this new skill off and will drop his pants wherever he happens to be standing if you are not extremely vigilant. Stage fright is certainly not an issue with my eldest!

Number two's are a bit more hit and miss: we have had some success but this is far from a slam dunk. Ol seems to have no early warning system when one is coming and you basically get a five second window to get him on the potty or you are scraping it out of his pants (and that is not nice). At the weekend he even ended up crouching and going like the dog on our back lawn. This probably wasn't the nicest sight for the neighbours but needs must and all that!

The worst experience was this week though when the urge took Ol whilst in the bath with Josh and the inevitable happened. The world stopped as I had a no win decision to make.... Which one of the boys do I save from the floaters!

Friday, 5 August 2011

Potty training- the sequel of success

After my aborted (disastrous) attempts at potty training at Easter whilst Ol had chicken pox (probably not my best ever idea), we have had another go at getting him dry whilst it is the holidays.

Victoria has once again used the reward chart to huge success and I would like to say I have played a vital part in this process but in reality.....well, I have not.

The first two days were, as I gather,  ones which called for resilience and patience. the first of which I can do, the second of which I have none!

Today was a big marker on the road to success though; the same pants all the way through with no accidents and he even put himself on the potty twice unprompted.

I'm a very proud Daddy today!